Friday, March 20, 2009

Tradition Of Rangoli on Diwali

Different regions have different names for Rangoli. For North Indians it is Chawkpurana, for South Indians it is Kolam, in Bihar it is Aripana and for Bengalis it is Alpana . Yet the beauty of it remains the same all over. A combination of multifarious colors just as similar to as we see in a kaleidoscope. Such a bewitching piece of art is colorful Rangoli. In a Rangoli we can see the rich heritage and culture of India.

The origin of the tradition of Rangoli can be traced back in Chitralakshana. The story behind Rangoli goes like this. It is believed that the son of a King's highest priest died and Lord Brahma asked him to draw a portrait of a boy who is a lookalike of the deceased one. This was the initiating point of Rangoli tradition. For Hindus and Buddhism, Rangoli is also a symbol of 'Maya', that is the mundane world.

As per Indian cultures and traditions, the guest is a form of God himself as they say "Atithi Devo Bhava". Rangolis serve for showing hospitality to the guests. As Diwali is the time of inviting kith and kin, Rangoli is the best way to welcome them. This is also the auspicious time of the year when Goddess Lakshmi is out to visit every home. With Rangoli and Diyas, people welcome her too. Rangoli tradition on diwaliTraditionally, Rangolis are made with the holy items like rice, abir/ gulal, colorful sand, aata, daal etc. Natural flowers are also added to accentuate it's elegance. Not only colors but light too is included to highlight it. One can draw geometrical figures, domestic symbols, religious icons etc with colors to make Rangoli. The foot prints of Goddess Lakshmi is a must in Rangoli during the festival of Diwali. It is believed that these foot prints would bear wealth and prosperity.
Diwali Rangoli TraditionsMaking Rangoli is one of the vital activities on the eve of Diwali along with performing puja rituals and bursting fore crackers. Specially, Kids and womenfolk in the household love to indulge in it. It is a good idea to celebrate the festival. So, while diyas and firecrackers brightens up the aura, with Rangoli add colors of fun and happiness to the festival.
Tradition Of Rangoli on Diwali


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