Sunday, July 5, 2009

Diwali in India, Diwali 2009 in India, Indian Diwali festival, Celebrations of Diwali in India

Diwali in India : The complete historic guide of Indian Diwali festival and celebrations of Diwali in India and nabour countries.

The season of festivities embarks it's journey with the advent of Dussehra. The tradition of ostentatious Ram Lila arrangements is quite peculiar to the culture of India. It is a dramatized depiction of the Ramayana and commemorates the triumph of good over evil. Since the festival of Dussehra, Diwali Melas start mushrooming all around the town. They offer celebrations at grand level with big swings, food stalls, shows by jugglers, puppeteers and clowns. There are henna stalls and competitions for cultural programs as well that creates the aura of a carnival.

Diwali in India

, Diwali 2009 in India, Indian Diwali festival

North India being the center of business community, for people living here, Diwali marks the beginning of the financial new year. They offer prayers to Goddess Lakshmi to make the upcoming year full of monetary gains, prosperity and peace. For Lakshmi Pujan, silver coins are first dipped in unboiled milk and then offered on the feet of the deity. All the devotees perform arti of Goddess Lakshmi at the conclusion of the Puja rituals.

Celebrations of Diwali in India

Ancient history of diwali in india
Thus, Diwali celebrations in India are unique and beautiful in their own way. If you are in Delhi during the Diwali season, you can experience the vibrancy of it by yourself.


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